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Session data

To configure the types returned by your backend API, you can define an additional object inside the nuxt.config.ts that outlines the types of your session data object.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  auth: {
    provider: {
      type: 'local',
      session: {
        dataType: {
          id: 'string | number',
          firstName: 'string',
          lastName: 'string',

In the example above, NuxtAuth will properly infer the types from the configuration and return:

interface SessionData {
  id: string | number
  firstName: string
  lastName: string

Complex types

In addition to using simple type such as string, number or boolean you can also configure more complex types such as sub-objects or arrays.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  auth: {
    provider: {
      type: 'local',
      session: {
        dataType: {
          id: 'string | number',
          firstName: 'string',
          lastName: 'string',
          subscriptions: '{ id: number, active: boolean }[]'

Example above will generate the following type for your session:

interface SessionConfig {
  id: string | number
  firstName: string
  lastName: string
  subscriptions: { id: number, status: boolean }[]

This allows you to properly match the types to the return values of getSession.

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