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JWT Access

Getting the (decoded) JWT token of the current user can be helpful, e.g., to use it to access an external api that requires this token for authentication or authorization.

You can get the JWT token that was passed along with the request using getToken:

// file: ~/server/api/token.get.ts
import { getToken } from '#auth'

export default eventHandler(async (event) => {
  const token = await getToken({ event })

  return token || 'no token present'

The function behaves identical to the getToken function from NextAuth.js with one change: you have to pass in the h3-event instead of req. This is due to how cookies can be accessed on h3: not via req.cookies but rather via useCookies(event).

You do not need to pass in any further parameters like secret, secureCookie, ... They are automatically inferred to the values you configured if not set and reading the token will work out of the box. You may pass these options, e.g., to get the raw, encoded JWT token you can pass raw: true.

Application-side JWT token access

To access the JWT token application-side, e.g., in a .vue page, you can either:

  • Create an API endpoint to return the decoded JWT Token
  • Modify the jwt callback inside the NuxtAuthHandler to inject token data into the application-side session. Read more here

Accessing the JWT token through an API endpoint

To access the JWT token through an API endpoint, you will first need to create a new server side route that can handle the requests for the JWT token.

// file: ~/server/api/token.get.ts
import { getToken } from '#auth'

export default eventHandler(event => getToken({ event }))

Then from your application-side code you can fetch it like this:

<script setup lang="ts">
const headers = useRequestHeaders(['cookie']) as HeadersInit
const { data: token } = await useFetch('/api/token', { headers })

  <div>{{ token || 'no token present, are you logged in?' }}</div>


For this to work, you will need to pass the cookie-header manually using useRequestHeaders so that the cookies are also correctly passed when this page is rendered server-side during the universal-rendering process.

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