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Error and warnings

This is a list of errors & warnings that NuxtAuth throws, what each of them means and how you can resolve them.


AUTH_NO_SECRET will appear as a warning message during development and be thrown as an error that stops the application during production. It is safe to ignore the development warning - it is only meant as a heads-up for your later production-deployment. AUTH_NO_SECRET occurs when no secret was set inside the NuxtAuthHandler:

// file: ~/server/api/auth/[...].ts
import { NuxtAuthHandler } from '#auth'

export default NuxtAuthHandler({
  secret: 'my-superb-secret' // <--- !!!! THIS IS WHAT'S MISSING

  // ... rest of your config


AUTH_NO_ORIGIN will appear as a warning message during development and be thrown as an error that stops the application during production. It is safe to ignore the development warning - it is only meant as a heads-up for your later production-deployment. AUTH_NO_ORIGIN occurs when the origin of your application was not set. NuxtAuth tries to find the origin of your application in the following order:

  1. Use the NUXT_AUTH_ORIGIN environment variable if it is set
  2. Development only: Determine the origin automatically from the incoming HTTP request

The origin is important for callbacks that happen to a specific origin for oauth flows. Note that in order for (2) to work the origin already has to be set at build-time, i.e., when you run npm run build or npm run generate and it will lead to the origin being inside your app-bundle.

// file: nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  runtimeConfig: {
    authOrigin: '', // You can either set a default or leave it empty

  // ... rest of your config

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