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Self Hosting

This guide will explain how you can self-host a Nuxt3 application running NuxtAuth.

Authjs Provider

When deploying the Auth.JS provider, the application must be informed what URL it is running at. This is to properly determine callback urls when navigating users to external OAuth providers. Depending on your setup, NuxtAuth allows you to set this value at either Runtime or Buildtime.

  • Runtime: Set the NUXT_AUTH_ORIGIN environment variable.
  • Buildtime: Set the baseURL-config key inside the nuxt.config.ts

The origin consists out of:

  • scheme: http / https
  • host: e.g., localhost,,
  • port: empty (implies :80 for http and :443 for https), :3000, :8888

An example of the NUXT_AUTH_ORIGIN would be:

Origin Order

When attempting to determine the server origin, NuxtAuth checks the available options in the following order:

  • Prio 1: Using NUXT_AUTH_ORIGIN
  • Prio 2: Using baseURL-config key from inside the nuxt.config.ts
  • Prio 3: Infer the origin (Only in development)


We recommend setting the NUXT_AUTH_ORIGIN during runtime and leaving the baseURL-config key empty, to avoid using a potentially incorrect ORIGIN.

In addition to verifying that the origin is correctly set, also ensure that you have a secure secret set in the NuxtAuthHandler.

Local Provider

When deploying a Local provider based app, you will only need to set the correct baseURL to your authentication backend.

This path can either be:

  • Relative: Pointing at a path inside your own application (e.g. /api/auth)
  • Absolute: Pointing at a path inside an external application (e.g. https://my-auth-backend/api)


For the local provider, this value will need to be set at build time. This is required to support static applications.

For this, ensure that you either directly set the baseURL inside the nuxt.config.ts, or provide a build-time environment variable that overwrites the value inside the nuxt.config.ts.

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