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Upgrade to 0.9.0

This release contains breaking changes for the refresh provider.


npm i -D @sidebase/nuxt-auth@^0.9.0
pnpm i -D @sidebase/nuxt-auth^0.9.0
yarn add --dev @sidebase/nuxt-auth^0.9.0

Breaking Changes

Unification of local and refresh provider

In 0.9.0 we unified the local and refresh providers into one. When we originally developed NuxtAuth, there was a lot of split logic, that could not be reused. Since then we unified many functions together which now allows us to build the local and refresh providers from the same base.

This update will streamline additions to the providers, as changes made will automatically be reflected in both providers, unlike before, where changes needed to be added to both the local and refresh provider.

Below you can see what changes need to be made to upgrade to 0.9.0 if you were previusly using the refresh provider. If you were using the local or authjs provider, you don't need to make any adjustments:

// nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@sidebase/nuxt-auth'],
  auth: {
    provider: {
      type: 'refresh', 
      type: 'local', 
      endpoints: {
        getSession: { path: '/session', method: 'get' },
        refresh: { path: '/refresh', method: 'post' } 
      refreshOnlyToken: true, 
      refreshToken: { 
        signInResponseRefreshTokenPointer: '/refresh-token', 
        refreshRequestTokenPointer: 'Bearer', 
        cookieName: 'auth.token', 
        maxAgeInSeconds: 1800, 
        cookieDomain: '', 
        secureCookieAttribute: false, 
        httpOnlyCookieAttribute: false, 
      refresh: { 
        isEnabled: true, 
        endpoint: { path: '/refresh', method: 'POST' }, 
        refreshOnlyToken: true, 
        token: { 
          signInResponseRefreshTokenPointer: '/refresh-token', 
          refreshRequestTokenPointer: 'Bearer', 
          cookieName: 'auth.token', 
          maxAgeInSeconds: 1800, 
          sameSiteAttribute: 'lax', 
          secureCookieAttribute: false, 
          cookieDomain: '', 
          httpOnlyCookieAttribute: false, 

The configuration values that were unquie to the refresh provider have now been moved into one refresh configuration inside the local provider. refreshToken was also renamed to token, as it now resides inside a refresh configuration point.

Node version requirement

Starting from v0.9.0, we now require a node version of at least 20. Node version 16 has now left maintaince mode and support for version 18 is ending in 2025. Read more here.


Full Changelog:

Released under the MIT License.