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Mocking with Vitest


In order to run end-to-end or component tests with Vitest, you will need to create a "mocked" version of the NuxtAuth composables for the test to interact with. In some cases if you are using the local or refresh provider with a Full-Stack application, you can also directly interact with your authentication API and mock the reponses inside your backend.

See the code

You can find the full code for this guide here.

Add your mocked functions

Begin by creating a mocked version of the module functions provided by @sidebase/nuxt-auth inside ~/tests/mocks/auth.ts.

import { eventHandler } from 'h3'

export const MOCKED_USER = {
  user: {
    role: 'admin',
    email: '',
    name: 'sidebase'

// App-side mocks
export function useAuth() {
  return {
    data: ref(MOCKED_USER),
    status: ref('authenticated'),
    getSession: () => MOCKED_USER,
    signOut: () => {},

// Server-side mocks
export const getServerSession = () => MOCKED_USER
export const NuxtAuthHandler = () => eventHandler(() => MOCKED_USER)

Inside this file, you can define any NuxtAuth composable (client-side or server-side) that you need to access inside your tests. Later on when Vitest is running, it will access these functions instead of the built-in ones from NuxtAuth. Therefore you can customize the MOCKED_USER to match your session data type.

Setup the mocked module

Inside of ~/tests/mocks/setup.ts create a new local Nuxt Module using the mocked functions defined above.

import { createResolver, defineNuxtModule } from '@nuxt/kit'

export default defineNuxtModule({
  setup: (_options, nuxt) => {
    const { resolve } = createResolver(import.meta.url)
    const pathToMocks = resolve('./auth.ts')

    nuxt.hook('imports:extend', (_imports) => {
      _imports.push({ name: 'useAuth', from: pathToMocks })

    nuxt.hook('nitro:config', (nitroConfig) => {
      if (!nitroConfig.alias) {
        throw new Error('Alias must exist at this point, otherwise server-side cannot be mocked')
      nitroConfig.alias['#auth'] = pathToMocks

Update your nuxt.config.ts

Inside the nuxt.config import either @sidebase/nuxt-auth or your mocked version into the modules array, depending on the environment

// If vitest is running the application, overwrite using the mocked module
const mockAuthModule = process.env.VITEST ? ['./test/mocks/setup.ts'] : []

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [

That's it! You can now use @sidebase/nuxt-auth inside your tests! We decided to not natively include a mocked version of the module, as the configuration of it highly depends on your setup.

See the code

You can find the full code for this guide here.

Released under the MIT License.